Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

Russian version cn

Institute of Food Technology



Professor Dmitriy M. Borodulin

Acting Director

Dr. of Sc. (Technical Science)


Tel: 7 499 977 10 33

Postal address:
Listvennichnaya alley, 4A
127550 Moscow

e-mail:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Faculty of Food Technology was established in 2004 to train specialists in the field of production and processing of agricultural produce (plant and animal produce).

Departments of the Institute

Training at the Faculty is provided by 4 Departments:

  • Dept. of Processes and Equipment of Processing Productions
  • Dept. of Technology of Storage and Processing of Livestock Products
  • Dept. of Technology of Storage and Processing of Horticultural and Plant Products
  • Dept. of Quality Management and Commodity Science of Products

There are 10 professors and 20 associate professors holding PhD degrees and a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Faculty members are the authors of textbooks on standardization and certification processes, storage and processing technologies of plant products and manuals for agricultural education.

The main research areas at the Faculty:

  • chemical composition, merchandizing and the primary storage characteristics of fruits and vegetables
  • preservation methods of fruits and vegetables
  • process management and the use of machinery in the food industry
  • food microbiology and technology.

B. Sc. programs

M. Sc. programs

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