Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy

Russian version cn

The 6th Open Cup of European Champions in power sports took place on the site of the Timiryazev Academy. According to the results of the competition, the team of the Timiryazev Academy took first place in the team classification. In total, the university athletes won 15 individual medals. The sporting event was held according to the WPA / AWPA International Rules. More than 200 athletes from various regions of Russia and neighboring countries took part in it.

The Timiryazev Academy team under the leadership of Sergei Nikitchenko, associate professor of the Physical Culture Department of the RT SAU, won the first place. In total, the university athletes won 11 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze medals. Students of the Agronomy and Biotechnology Faculty David Bakhramov and Alexey Ksenofontov won not only in their categories, but also became the owners of the absolute championship Cups.

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